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Water Service Inquiry
Interested in seeing if we can connect your property with Maine Water?
Please complete the following:
New Water Service Process
- Customer must submit new construction application to
- Customer must submit design drawings to MWC
- MWC to complete an onsite evaluation
- MWC to provide an Availability to Serve Letter, if required
- MWC to provide a cost estimate
- MWC and Customer to execute Roadway Service Line Agreement
- MWC and Customer to execute Limited Service Agreement, if required
- Customer to to execute Easement Deed, if required
- Customer to execute Subdivision Control & Shoreland Zoning and provide to MWC
- Customer to review MWC's Terms and Conditions, service line specifications, and details. Developer is responsible for providing MWC specifications to their Contractor
- Customer to complete Application for Water Service
- Customer to provide deposit for cost estimate before start of construction
- Customer to schedule inspection with MWC for connection to MWC owned infrastructure and service line installation
- MWC to true up expenses and provide refund or bill
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